Great Harvest Bread Co.

of Denver

765 South Colorado Boulevard

Denver, Colorado 80246


Open Mon. - Fri.  6am - 3pm

Sat. 8am - 3pm, Closed Sun.

Featured Sandwich

 Harvest Spicy Veggie

Spicy Hummus, Jalapenos, Tomatoes, Avocados,

Bell Peppers, Spinach & Chipotle Gouda

Bakery for Sale

Ready for some loafing? Wanna make some dough while making some dough?

Our lease expires at the end of February, and our landlord, Kroger Co., is planning a redevelopment project and will not renew our lease. The bakery needs to move to a new location. After 15 years of baking that includes two build-outs and three remodels, owners Matt and Sheri Salis do not have a move in us and are reluctantly ready for our next chapter. We are looking for someone to love our bakery and take care of our beloved customers.

Because it will need to move, we are offering our business at a severely discounted price.

Matt Salis          303-204-1412